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Let's Get Started!

Have you heard bits and pieces of information about essential oils, but don't know where to start? Does figuring out what essential oils are all about and how to use them seem a little overwhelming?


That was me! I felt the same way!! I had heard all of these amazing things about essential oils, but didn't know where to start or know anyone to walk me through it. That is why my goal is for no one else to feel that way! Don't worry, we've got your back! 

What Is An Essential Oil?

Essential Oils are naturally occurring, aromatic compounds that are found in the seeds, bark, stems, roots, flowers, and other parts of plants. If you have ever enjoyed the scent of a rose, you’ve experienced the aromatic qualities of essential oils. Essential oils give plants their distinctive smells, protect plants (the plants immune system) and play a role in plant pollination. How cool that we can use those same properties that protect a plant to support our own immune systems? Essential oils also have a huge variety of uses including promoting clear airways, soothing skin irritations, soothing occasional muscle and joint discomfort, supporting healthy digestion and so much more. 


We understand that there are a lot of choices out there when it comes to Essential Oils. So let me tell you why we choose doTERRA. We had a newborn in our home when we decided to jump into the essential oil world, so we knew that we had to choose the best essential oil company. After doing a lot of research, we quickly realized that doTERRA was the best option for us. There are 2 main reasons:


doTERRA has truly set a new standard in the essential oil industry. That standard is CPTG-Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade. Basically that means there are no pesticides used in the growing process, no chemicals, fillers or foreign contaminates. It also means that every single batch of oils is rigerously tested every step of the process to ensure doTERRA's standard is kept. You can learn more about doTERRA's testing and purity at 



doTERRA doesn't just choose any old plants from any location. doTERRA knows that location, soil, climate, rainfall, etc, plays a huge roll in the potency of the plants. So doTERRA goes all around the world to where each plant is indigenously located to get their oils. And when they get there, they find farmer from that location to partner with. Usually these farmers have been doing this for generations and doTERRA is committed to the beautiful partnership. Not only is doTERRA committed to changing lives of those using the oils, but also those producing the oils. 

How Do You Use Essential Oils



One of the easiest ways to use essential oils is aromatically, and our favorite way to do this is to diffuse them! We just drop 4-6 drops of essential oil into a diffuser filled with water to help cleanse the home, relax or stimulate our mood, and even get a restful night's sleep!


Don't have a diffuser yet? Don't worry there are other ways you can get aromatic benefits like putting a drop or two of essential oil in your palms, rubbing your hands together, cupping them over your face, and inhaling deeply a few times.

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Applying essential oils topically just means putting them onto the skin. We love this method of application, especially for kiddo because it helps with absorption as well as any sking sensitivies.

There are a few places we should avoid with essential oils. Avoid the eyes, dropping down into the ear canal, and putting up the nose. Those places are just too sensitive for these powerful essential oils. 




When using essential oils in any way...PURITY MATTERS!  This is even more important when using them internally. That is why we only trust doTERRA essential oils. 

We use essential oils internally 5 different ways. You can add drops to your drinks, take in a doTERRA veggie cap, put a drop directly under you tongue, take doTERRA supplements, or use in your favorite recipes!

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I suffered with head tension for 24 years. Oct. 2017 doTERRA changed my life by stopping it with Copaiba. Then I started using Lifelong Vitality and my life was given back to me. Today I wake up every day pain free!

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Thank you, Alana for getting me back in the doTERRA Life again. I put the deep blue on before my walk and is helping me a lot. It will take me a lot of time to get the oils I need. I am very happy with the results. Thank you again!! 

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doTERRA has really changed our life at home! We are able to take care of so much. My husband loves diffusing Adaptiv oil! It helps keep him centered in stressful times. Doterra shampoo/conditioner is a must have in our home! It keeps my hair feeling soft & clean while being a great detangler for my daughter's hair!!

How To Get Started

We love to help everyone get started with essential oils, and we love for everyone to get the best prices too! You get the best prices with a Wholesale Membership. This is just like a Costco or Sam's Club membership, where when you have it, you get to shop at the wholesale prices for an entire year. The cost of a wholesale membership is just $35 and then you can customize your wholesale order. 

Or for even deeper savings, you can get started with an enrollment kit. An enrollment kit also takes any of the guesswork or overwhelm out of getting started with doTERRA. Some of the perks of getting started with a kit are that you get your wholesale membership included for Free and you are getting a great base of oils to start within your home. 


The last and biggest perk of getting started with your membership is that you get hooked into our amazing education and support. I will share more about that later. 

Let me share with you a little but about each kit:



Save $220!


This kit is for you if you are looking for a complete lifestyle change. If you want to have not only the top oils but the top products that doTERRA offers, this is the perfect place to start.



Save $25!


Maybe you are looking for the top ten essential oils, but you want to start small. This is the perfect kit! Small bottles, but you still get an awesome diffuser!



Save $90!


Are you looking to lessen the toxic load in your life and in your home? This Home Essentials kit is where to start. Have everything you need to create your natural home!



Save $83!


Are you looking to lessen the toxic load in your home and at the same time make your home smell amazing? This Aroma Essentials Collection is where to start. Goodbye toxins, hello nature!!



Save $75!


Sometimes the best place to start in your health journey is getting back to the basics with daily vitamins. doTERRA's #1 selling product, the Life Life Vitality Vitamins, might be the way to go!



Save $39


If you’re looking for the most simple way to get started, this one is for you. 3 of the most commonly used oils/blends and that super popular Deep Blue Rub!

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doTERRA has changed my life in unexpected ways, and it all started when my baby was breech and I was schedule for a caesarean, I worked hard to get her into an optimal position, but when I read and used the essential oils I could physically feel her flip, I went to a class sometime later, because I was still a bit of a skeptic and my notoriously crabby baby was happy not being held just being in the presence of these wonderful gifts. These experiences lead to research of the efficacy and science and I began incorporating them into my massage and doula business. What these oils did most for me at the time, was help me find a community of service driven women that had been lacking in my life. doTERRA is truly amazing.

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About Oils!

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